Mastercard’s Data & Tech Responsibility Principles: Our Commitment
The next century of innovation will be fueled by the creativity of people looking to solve real problems, by quality data that informs how they solve those problems and by innovative technologies that enable these solutions. Today, there’s great interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI), biometrics, the cloud and more. Tomorrow’s innovations can’t yet be imagined, but surely will bring new and different opportunities and risks.
For these technology-enabled innovations to be sustainable, people will need to trust them. And that starts with foundational practices that respect and protect individual rights and society. That’s why we developed and continually evolve a set of robust principles to hold ourselves to the highest standards of data and tech responsibility, while sharing our experiences with partners, regulators and policymakers to inform a broader common framework for responsible data-driven innovation.
1. Security and Privacy: Advance and uphold best-in-class security and privacy practices.
2. Transparency: Clearly and simply explain how we collect, use and share data, as well as how the technologies we use, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), deliver the outcomes we intend.
3. Accountability: Implement robust governance to ensure proper controls and oversight over our use of data and technology.
4. Fairness: Be deliberate in minimizing biases, inaccuracies and unintended harms in our use of data and technology.
5. Inclusion: Ensure our use of data and technology fosters inclusion and equity.
6. Innovation: Provide innovative experiences, products and services that benefit all our stakeholders.
7. Social Impact: Use data and technology to make a positive impact on communities and individuals around the world.