We're ready to help. Anytime. Anywhere.

We're ready to help. Anytime. Anywhere.

Wherever you travel worldwide, you can always count on MasterCard Global Service for any card-related need. Call us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and we'll connect you with a representative who speaks your language, and can help with:

  • Lost or stolen cards
  • Emergency replacement cards
  • Emergency cash advances
  • Locate an ATM that accepts MasterCard®, Maestro®, and Cirrus® brands
  • Access account-related information
  • Access any applicable card benefits

In the United States
For an emergency within the United States
call 1-800-MasterCard (1-800-627-8372).

Outside the United States
For countries not listed in our directory, you can call the following telephone number collect to the United States in the event of an emergency 1-636-722-7111.

For convenience while on the go, print emergency service information.

MasterCard Global Service Emergency Numbers

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